Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering
Prerequisit Course : No Pre-Requisit Courses
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
Introduction to Neural Networks, artificial and human neurons, an engineering approach, a simple network layers, perceptrons, the learning process, transfer functions, teaching process, back propagation algorithm for training, recurrent networks, associative memory, applications to speech, vision and control problems. Supervised and unsupervised networks, reinforcement learning.
MTR608 - Advanced Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS)
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering
Prerequisit Course : MTR504
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
MEMS initial design considerations mechanical design, including using the finite element method, Computer-aided design in MEMS and Microsystems (Introduction to Coventor Ware for micro device design). MEMS assembly, packaging, and testing Design of Passive Micromachined Mechanical Structures. Design of Sensors and Analysis Systems case study (Pressure Sensors- Acceleration Sensors - Angular Rate- Sensors and Gyroscopes - Micromachined Valves and Micropumps)
MTR609 - Fundamentals of Microfluidics and Its Applications
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering
Prerequisit Course : No Pre-Requisit Courses
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
Advantages of Microfluidics. The physics and advantages of miniaturization, diffusion, mixing, and separation. The basics electrodynamics of microsystem (the electric-double layer (EDL)). Electro-osmotic flow. Pressure driven and secondary flows in microchannels. Introduce droplet actuation mechanisms. And calculations of electrodynamic forces on a sessile droplet. Microfabrication, materials, soft lithography techniques for microfluidics and digital microfluidic devices. Applications of Lab-on-a-chip, point-of-care, micro reactors, and particle and cell manipulation- Digital microfluidics. Future trends in microfluidics. Simulation of electro-osmotic and pressure driven flows in microchannels using Coventor Ware TM CAD.
MTR701 - Project Based Learning in Mechatronics
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering
Prerequisit Course : No Pre-Requisit Courses
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
Students will attend laboratory to do a set of predefined experiments exposingmechatronics devices that will be met during his research work. Students will be grouped into teams to tackle real world projects to solve open ended problems, carefully selected, in which they design the system, select the suitable controller, implement it and evaluate the performance. Students have to present concepts and competitive solutions through the team work spirit and innovative solutions to the assigned projects.
MTR702 - Seminar on Mechatronics and Robotics Recent Research Topics
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering
Prerequisit Course : No Pre-Requisit Courses
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
Students will attend lectures given by distinguished professors and study in depth new published papers.