Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Electronics and Communications Engineering
Prerequisit Course : No Pre-Requisit Courses
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
Interaction of radiation with atomic and semiconductor systems, density matrix treatment, semi classical laser theory (Lamb's), laser resonators, specific laser systems, laser dynamics, Q-switching and mode-locking, noise in lasers and optical amplifiers. Nonlinear optics, phaseconjugation, electro-optics, acousto-optics and magneto-optics, coherent optics, stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering.
ECE602 - Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Design
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Electronics and Communications Engineering
Prerequisit Course : ECE501
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
Techniques of analog circuit technology in the high-frequency regime above 1 GHz. Transmission lines and distributed circuit elements; S-parameter design of high-frequency active circuits; computer-aided analysis and design. Emphasis on design of planar high frequency integrated circuits employing CMOS and SiGe technology. Circuit building blocks for broadband wired and wireless communication will be emphasized including voltage-controlled oscillators, lownoise amplifiers, and power amplifiers.
ECE603 - Nanoscale Fabrication
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Electronics and Communications Engineering
Prerequisit Course : ECE506
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
Various top-down and bottomup approaches to synthesizing and processing nanostructured materials. The topics include fundamentals of self-assembly, Nano-imprint lithography, electron beam lithography, nanowire and nanotube synThesis , quantum dot synThesis (strain patterned and colloidal), postsynThesis modification (oxidation, doping, diffusion, surface interactions, and etching techniques). In addition, techniques to bridging length scales such as heterogeneous integration will be discussed. Electronic, optical, thermal, mechanical, and chemical properties brought forth by the very small sizes.
ECE604 - Nanoelectronic Devices and Circuits
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Electronics and Communications Engineering
Prerequisit Course : ECE507
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
This course will cover the limits of silicon electronics integration and how the nanoworld provides alternative approaches to devices and circuits. Quantization of electron motion in nanoscale devices will be introduced and examined. Solutions of Schrodinger equations for different devices will be discussed in detail. The operation principles and concepts of nanoelectonics devices, spintronics, bioelectronics, and selfassembled-nanostructures will be examined.
ECE605 - High-Speed Signal and Image Processing with VLSI
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Electronics and Communications Engineering
Prerequisit Course : ECE510 and ECE513
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
The design of ASCA (Application Specific Computer Architectures) for signal and image processing; topics include an overview of VLSI architectural design principles, signal and image processing algorithms, mapping algorithms onto array structures, parallel architectures and implementation and systolic design for neural network processing.