Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Electronics and Communications Engineering
Prerequisit Course : No Pre-Requisit Courses
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
Sensor networking, from design through performance issues to application requirements. Design issues and challenges that are associated with implementations of sensor network applications. Dealing with mobility, disconnections, and awareness of battery power consumption. Detailed treatment of proactive, reactive, and hybrid routing protocols, in addition to the various clustering approaches. The IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN and Bluetooth standards and discusses their characteristics and operations. Research topics that involve collaboration among mobile devices, service discovery, and data caching.
ECE612 - Numerical Electromagnetic
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Electronics and Communications Engineering
Prerequisit Course : No Pre-Requisit Courses
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
Principles and applications of numerical techniques for solving practical electromagnetic problems. Time domain solutions of Maxwell‘s equations. Finite difference time domain (FDTD) methods. Numerical stability, dispersion, and dissipation. Absorbing boundary conditions. Perfectly matched layer methods. Explicit and implicit methods.FDTD modeling of propagation and scattering in dispersive and anisotropic media. Near-to-far-zone transformations. Computational problems require programming and use of MATLAB and other tools.
ECE613 - Advanced Wireless Communication Systems
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Electronics and Communications Engineering
Prerequisit Course : No Pre-Requisit Courses
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
nformation theory and coding. Error control coding: CRCs, trellis codes, convolution codes and Iturbi decoding. Quantization and digitization of speech: PCM, ADPCM, DM, LPC and VSELP algorithms. Carrier recovery and synchronization. Multiplexers: TDM and FDM hierarchies. Echo cancellers, equalizers and scrambler/ unscrambles. Spread spectrum communication systems. Mobile communications: digital cellular communication systems and PCS. Encryptiontechniques. Computer communication networks.
ECE614 - Advanced Optical Communications Systems
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Electronics and Communications Engineering
Prerequisit Course : No Pre-Requisit Courses
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
Introduction to Optical Communication Systems; Evolution of Light wave Systems; Components of a Light wave System; WDM Systems; Basic WDM Multiplexers; Advanced Light wave Systems; Receiver Noise and Direct Detection; Optical SNR; Electrical SNR;
Receiver Sensitivity and Q Factor; Coherent Detection; Demodulation Schemes; Signal Propagation in Fibers; Impact of Nonlinear Effects; Optical Amplifiers; Noise in Optical Amplifiers; Periodically Amplified Light wave Systems; OFDM principles; Optical OFDM Systems; Various Types of Optical OFDM; Signal Propagation in Fibers; Dispersion Impairments; MIMO-OFDM Perspective.
ECE615 - Advanced Optimization Techniques
Faculty : Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School : Electronics and Communications Engineering
Prerequisit Course : No Pre-Requisit Courses
Credit Hours : 3.00
Offered For : Post Graduate
Course Description :
Principles of optimization to solve optimization problems that arise in engineering: the steepest descent and Newton methods for unconstrained optimization; golden section, quadratic, cubic and inexact line searches; conjugate and quasi-Newton methods; fundamentals of constrained optimization theory; convex sets, functions, and optimization problems, basics of convex analysis, simplex methods for linear programming; modern interior-point methods; active-set methods and primal-dual interior-point methods for quadratic and convex programming; least-squares, linear and quadratic programs, semi definite programming, optimality conditions, duality theory, sequential quadratic programming and interior-point methods for nonconvex optimization and software packages/algorithms for optimization will be covered.